Sherman's + Unifon

TLDR: There's a tool here for translating English to Circular Gallifreyan it mostly uses Sherman's Circular Gallifreyan but has the additional characters 'ing2', 'th2', 'zh', 'a1', 'a2', 'e1', 'e2', 'i1', 'o1', 'o2', 'o3', 'o4, 'u1', and 'u2', each of which represents a certain sound.


Circular Gallifreyan is a fictional language from the British television program Doctor Who, both of which are © BBC. However the Circular Gallifreyan used in Doctor Who while very pretty are absolute gibberish; because of this fans of the show have over the years created their own versions of Circular Gallifreyan, the most popular of which is Sherman’s Gallifreyan: to learn more, visit

Unifon is an alphabet for the spoken english language which adds additional characters such as Z and simplifies other characters such as G always being a hard G such as in Go and J always being soft such as in Jam. You can find out more about Unifon here.

This modification of Sherman's Gallifreyan is purely additive, none of the original characters have been removed or replaced, and the tool linked below which uses this modification will return Sherman compatable Gallifreyan unless one of the new characters is used.

This guide is meant to be used after the guide for Sherman's Gallifreyan as this is meant as a supplement. The guide for Sherman's can be found here.

The alphabet


Sherman's consonants

Sherman's circular gallifreyan consonants

Sherman's + Unifon Consonants

Each of these is given with their English name, unifon character (if applicable), and the sound the make.

• • • • • • • • • | | | | | |
Circular Gallifreyan 'B' B Ing2 Ch D Zh G H F
B |/𝖩 Ȼ D Z G H F
Ban sING CHum Dig luXurious Go Home Fly
Circular Gallifreyan 'J' J Ph K L C N P M
Jam Kiss Lie No Pun My
Circular Gallifreyan 'T' T Wh Sh R Th2 V W S
T $ R Ћ V W S
Ton SHun Run THing Very Wit Sun
Circular Gallifreyan 'TH' Th Gh Y Z Q Qu X Ng
𝈥̄ Y Z X
THe Yes Zebra

As you may see, there are only three new characters added to this table to fill in the blanks that Sherman had left: 'Ing2', 'Zh', and 'Th2' (note the '2' in Ing2 and Th2 are just there for use with the tool linked below). In Unifon hard 'C's such as in Candle are written as 'K's and soft 'C's such as in sinCe are written as 'S's, however this was already true in Sherman's Gallifreyan


Sherman’s vowels

Base forms for each vowel

Like the consonants these vowels remain unchanged, and they still combine with consonants like before

Sherman's + Unifon Consonants

This system adds extra vowels based on the sounds they make and they can be used instead of or as well as the diacratic marks

• • • • • • • • •
A A A1 A2
Add Ale All
E E E1 E2
Every Evil hEr
I I I1
I ±
Ii Ice
O O O1 O2 O3 O4
O 𐍉
gOt Over bOOk nOW tOY
U U U1 U2

For all of this there's a tool here for translating English to Circular Gallifreyan that uses Sherman's + Unifon, Unifon characters can be added using their english versions from the above tables e.g. Ћ is entered as th2, as U1, and Z as zh.

For those interested, other fan-made Gallifreyan translations can be found in the following (non-exhaustive) list:
TARDIS Console Gallifreyan here
CC Gallifreyan here
Clockwork Gallifreyan here and here
Old High Gallifreyan here
Rasilonian Gallifreyan here

And the following not explicitly named fan-made Gallifreyan translations here